Warrensburg Church of the Brethren

This submission reflects this organization's contribution to the climate effort, representative of their current actions and commitments as well as the ways in which they intend to step up and collaborate with others.

Warrensburg Church of the Brethren's Climate Action Contribution

About Warrensburg Church of the Brethren's Climate Efforts

Our congregational forum voted to sign the "We Are Still In" declaration saying that we support the Paris Climate Agreement.
Actions we have done to lower our carbon footprint: !) Added significant ceiling insulation to our church and parsonage, 2) Replaced all the windows in our parsonage with energy star windows, 3) Installed energy star air conditioners for our church, 4) Installed a high-efficiency furnace for our church, 5) Replace our lights with CFL or LED lights, 5) Installed energy star refrigerators in our church and parsonage, 6) Installed a 7.5 KWH solar system to supply electricity for our church, and 7) Installed an energy efficient entryway (thermal break aluminum and energy star glazing) into the church which replaced an inefficient, leaky entryway,
8) Planted a community garden to share locally-grown produce. 9) Participating in local biking and walking trail enhancements. We also advocate for creation care and sustainability in our Warrensburg community through sponsored speakers and programs, and involvement in local sustainability efforts.

Climate Action Commitments

Current Climate Actions Warrensburg Church of the Brethren Is Taking:


Commit to Promoting Conservation and Worship

Commit to incorporating messages of conservation, stewardship, and the importance of climate action into sermons and talks with your congregation or community


Commit to Community Education and Communication

Commit to offering education opportunities that are designed for staff, adults, and children, and feature information on clean energy, stewardship, individual/household climate actions, climate advocacy, and any other applicable subjects. The importance of building environmental literacy in changing habits and perceptions is profound, and organizations and institutions trusted to convene the community are among the most impactful educators.


Commit to Responsible Engagement in Climate Policy

While individual organization action is necessary, local and federal government action is also needed to reach global climate goals. Your organization can have a critical voice in advancing public policy. A commitment to responsible engagement in climate policy means that your organization commits to supporting public policy to: promote energy efficiency and renewable energy; increase investment in a clean energy economy; support climate change adaptation, or put a price on carbon.


Commit to Increase Your Use of Renewable Power

Increasing your percentage of renewable energy sources is a key component of reducing overall GHG emissions. Installing onsite renewable generation, like solar panels, is a good long-term strategy if possible. But renewable energy can also be procured through Renewable Energy Credits (RECs), renewable power purchasing agreements (PPAs), and in some locations from retail electricity providers or local utilities that offers a high percentage of renewable power. Also consider becoming an EPA Green Power Partner.


Commit to Understand and Reduce Your Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Understanding your GHG emissions is the first step to making measurable reductions in those emissions. The EPA provides an overview report and CoolClimate Network provides a simple tool for “low emitters” to better understand sources of emissions, as well as how to use that information to set reduction targets. For this commitment, it is as simple as committing to complete a greenhouse gas inventory for your business or oganization, but in the future your inventory can be used to make a commitment to set a specific goal, such as “reduce GHG emissions by 50% by 2025.


Integrate Climate Change into Portfolio Analyses and Decision-Making

Commit to integrate climate change-related risks and opportunities in portfolio analysis and decision-making processes through one or more of the following:

  • Analyzing and assessing climate change-related risks and opportunities (e.g. through carbon footprinting, scenario analysis).
  • Making commitments and setting targets (e.g. to carbon footprint reduction, to enhanced portfolio resilience, to decarbonization, including via the Portfolio Decarbonization Coalition).
  • Investing in low carbon investment funds and other products (e.g. low carbon indices, climate-aligned bonds).

Organization details

We are a faith community affiliated with the Church of the Brethren whose guiding principle is "continuing the work of Jesus peacefully, simply, together".
We believe that all life is a sacred creation of God and that the ways of injustice, violence, and environmental degradation are not compatible with the spirit of Christ.
Faith Organization
Warrensburg, MO