Riverwater Partners's Climate Action Contribution
About Riverwater Partners's Climate Efforts
Climate Action Commitments
Current Climate Actions Riverwater Partners Is Taking:

Commit to Smart Energy Use: EP100
Companies and institutional investors joining EP100 pledge to double their energy productivity and do more with less, joining a global, collaborative initiative of influential businesses that are significantly contributing to reducing energy demand and limiting temperature rise to well below 2°C.
Click learn more for additional information, including the criteria joining.

Commit to Responsible Corporate Engagement in Climate Policy
Join companies and investors that are helping to shape government policy on climate, taking early action and leadership, and showcasing their commitment to a safer and more prosperous economy.
Click learn more for additional information.

Support CDP’s Disclosure and Action Requests
Investors commit to supporting CDP’s annual disclosure request to over 5,000 companies. Investors also commit to supporting CDP’s Investor Action request to over 1,000 high impact companies which asks these companies to:
- Use climate-related scenario analysis to inform their business strategy
- Make emissions reductions, including via projects with positive returns
- Consider committing to relevant parts of the We Mean Business coalition ‘Take Action’ campaign (including adopting science-based emissions reduction targets and implementing the recommendations of the TCFD).

Sign on to the Climate Action 100+ initiative
Investors commit to supporting the Climate Action 100+ initiative with the aim of securing commitments from boards and senior management to:
- Implement a strong governance framework which clearly articulates the board’s accountability for and oversight of climate change risk and opportunities.
- Take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across their value chain, consistent with the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting global average temperature increase to well below 2-degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.
- Provide enhanced corporate disclosure in line with the final recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and sector-specific Global Investor Coalition on Climate Change Investor Expectations on Climate Change (when applicable) to enable investors to assess the robustness of companies’ business plans against a range of climate scenarios, including well below 2-degrees Celsius scenarios, and to improve investment decision-making.

Integrate Climate Change into Portfolio Analyses and Decision-Making
Commit to integrate climate change-related risks and opportunities in portfolio analysis and decision-making processes through one or more of the following:
- Analyzing and assessing climate change-related risks and opportunities (e.g. through carbon footprinting, scenario analysis).
- Making commitments and setting targets (e.g. to carbon footprint reduction, to enhanced portfolio resilience, to decarbonization, including via the Portfolio Decarbonization Coalition).
- Investing in low carbon investment funds and other products (e.g. low carbon indices, climate-aligned bonds).

Phase Out Investments in Thermal Coal
Investors commit to phasing out our investments in thermal coal activities (specifically thermal coal mining and coal-fired power generation).
New Climate Actions Riverwater Partners Commits To Take:

Commit to 100% Renewable Power: RE100
Companies joining RE100 make a commitment to 100% renewable electricity across their operations , working to increase corporate demand for – and delivery of – renewable energy.
Click learn more for additional information, including the criteria joining.

Commit to Reduce Short-lived Climate Pollutant Emissions
Short-lived climate pollutants—such as black carbon, methane, tropospheric ozone, and hydrofluorocarbons—are powerful climate warmers many times more potent than CO2 over their lifetimes. Because they are short-lived in the atmosphere, actions to reduce these super pollutants can have substantial, near-term climate, agricultural and health benefits and are an essential complement to CO2 reduction strategies. Policy-makers can announce regulatory or voluntary approaches to drastically reduce SLCPs, such as developing methane strategies or adopting rules on use of warming HFCs. Organizations can commit to engage with suppliers to provide training, conduct pollutant inventories, and establish systems for tracking, measuring, and monitoring these types of emissions. Analysis shows that SLCP emissions can be cost-effectively reduced by an estimated 40-50 percent by 2030.
Policymakers, companies and organizations are encouraged to accept the #SLCPChallenge of the U.S. Climate Alliance, which calls for ambitious action on SLCPs. Feel free to elaborate on your work towards reduction, along with your other efforts, in the "Other Commitments" field below.

Sign the Investor Statement of Support for Low Carbon Investment
Signatories of the Low Carbon Investment statement declare their support for the continued development of the green bond market, in line with global best practice, and will invest in green bonds when investment characteristics are comparable and consistent with investment objectives.

Report in Line with the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures’ Recommendations
Investors commit to improving disclosures on the climate change-related risks and opportunities in their portfolios, in line with the recommendations of the Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) for asset owners and asset managers.