This submission reflects this organization's contribution to the climate effort, representative of their current actions and commitments as well as the ways in which they intend to step up and collaborate with others.
Outdoor Business Climate Partnership's Climate Action Contribution
About Outdoor Business Climate Partnership's Climate Efforts
Outdoor Industry Association, Snowsports Industries America and the National Ski Areas Association (OIA, SIA, NSAA), stand united in working on climate change solutions. As associations representing outdoor retailers, brands, suppliers, and resorts across the country, we share a common desire to see climate legislation that results in broad-scale carbon emission reductions, strong incentives for clean and renewable power and continued support of research on climate solutions. Our organizations have joined forces as the Outdoor Business Climate Partnership to provide leadership on climate change and inspire meaningful action across our collective memberships.
Climate Change is a threat to the outdoor recreation industry and the $887 billion it contributes annually to the U.S. economy. Our businesses, our customers and the nearly 150 million Americans who participate in outdoor activities each year are dependent on a stable climate and have a vested interest in being part of climate solutions.
The time for climate solutions is now. OIA, SIA and NSAA recognize the need for swift and bold action on climate change and are more committed now than ever to working on climate change solutions together. The outdoor recreation industry has a responsibility to take action to address the causes of climate change and help mitigate its impacts. We will work together as stewards, innovators and stakeholders in support of moving our country toward a clean energy economy and improving our resiliency in the future.
We support:
• Passage of comprehensive and bipartisan climate legislation in Congress that results in broad-scale carbon emission reductions, promotes energy innovation and supports the transition to a clean energy economy
• Market-based policies that cost-effectively reduce GHG emissions
• Encouraging our members to engage in the process of helping to shape and support state policies and utility initiatives to decarbonize the grid
We pledge to:
• Collectively engage in advocacy with key policy makers to stress the urgency and need for passage of comprehensive and bipartisan climate legislation
• Raise awareness among policy makers on the potential impacts of climate change on the outdoor recreation industry
• Leverage the outdoor recreation industry’s economic, political and social influence by working together in partnership and adopting common messaging in outreach and social media
• Engage our members by elevating the issue of climate change as a priority for businesses and inspiring action toward climate solutions
• Provide our members with education, tools and programs to reduce carbon emissions in their operations and green their supply chains
• Encourage our members to adopt carbon reduction targets in their operations and measure progress in meeting those targets
• Encourage member engagement with state and utility level initiatives to decarbonize the grid
• Support research and funding of adaptation and restoration measures that will protect the outdoor experiences that millions of Americans enjoy and ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy the health and fitness benefits of outdoor recreation
• Collaborate with other business coalitions in support of climate change solutions to strengthen our voice and maximize our effectiveness
Climate Change is a threat to the outdoor recreation industry and the $887 billion it contributes annually to the U.S. economy. Our businesses, our customers and the nearly 150 million Americans who participate in outdoor activities each year are dependent on a stable climate and have a vested interest in being part of climate solutions.
The time for climate solutions is now. OIA, SIA and NSAA recognize the need for swift and bold action on climate change and are more committed now than ever to working on climate change solutions together. The outdoor recreation industry has a responsibility to take action to address the causes of climate change and help mitigate its impacts. We will work together as stewards, innovators and stakeholders in support of moving our country toward a clean energy economy and improving our resiliency in the future.
We support:
• Passage of comprehensive and bipartisan climate legislation in Congress that results in broad-scale carbon emission reductions, promotes energy innovation and supports the transition to a clean energy economy
• Market-based policies that cost-effectively reduce GHG emissions
• Encouraging our members to engage in the process of helping to shape and support state policies and utility initiatives to decarbonize the grid
We pledge to:
• Collectively engage in advocacy with key policy makers to stress the urgency and need for passage of comprehensive and bipartisan climate legislation
• Raise awareness among policy makers on the potential impacts of climate change on the outdoor recreation industry
• Leverage the outdoor recreation industry’s economic, political and social influence by working together in partnership and adopting common messaging in outreach and social media
• Engage our members by elevating the issue of climate change as a priority for businesses and inspiring action toward climate solutions
• Provide our members with education, tools and programs to reduce carbon emissions in their operations and green their supply chains
• Encourage our members to adopt carbon reduction targets in their operations and measure progress in meeting those targets
• Encourage member engagement with state and utility level initiatives to decarbonize the grid
• Support research and funding of adaptation and restoration measures that will protect the outdoor experiences that millions of Americans enjoy and ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy the health and fitness benefits of outdoor recreation
• Collaborate with other business coalitions in support of climate change solutions to strengthen our voice and maximize our effectiveness
Climate Action Commitments
Current Climate Actions Outdoor Business Climate Partnership Is Taking:

Commit to Responsible Engagement in Climate Policy
While individual organization action is necessary, local and federal government action is also needed to reach global climate goals. Your organization can have a critical voice in advancing public policy. A commitment to responsible engagement in climate policy means that your organization commits to supporting public policy to: promote energy efficiency and renewable energy; increase investment in a clean energy economy; support climate change adaptation, or put a price on carbon.
Areas For Collaboration
We are interested in collaborating on the following:
Utility Sector
- Supporting states, cities, and utilities in decarbonizing their energy supply
Organization details
The Outdoor Business Climate Partnership focuses on climate change solutions and is comprised of the Outdoor Industry Association, Snowsports Industries America and the National Ski Areas Association.
Lakewood , CO
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