Let There Be Light International

This submission reflects this organization's contribution to the climate effort, representative of their current actions and commitments as well as the ways in which they intend to step up and collaborate with others.

Let There Be Light International's Climate Action Contribution

About Let There Be Light International's Climate Efforts

Let There Be Light International has solar-electrified 47 off-grid health clinics in Uganda, eliminating their reliance on diesel generators and impacting the health care access and delivery for more than 525,000 people. Let There Be Light International has also donated 19,550 solar lights to vulnerable families living in energy poverty in off-grid communities. We also lead outreach and educational meetings in Uganda and Malawi about renewable energy and climate change. More than 725,000 people have benefited from our programming in the past 46years.

Climate Action Commitments

Current Climate Actions Let There Be Light International Is Taking:


Commit to Community Education and Communication

Commit to offering education opportunities that are designed for staff, adults, and children, and feature information on clean energy, stewardship, individual/household climate actions, climate advocacy, and any other applicable subjects. The importance of building environmental literacy in changing habits and perceptions is profound, and organizations and institutions trusted to convene the community are among the most impactful educators.


Commit to Reduce Short-lived Climate Pollutant Emissions

Short-lived climate pollutants—such as black carbon, methane, tropospheric ozone, and hydrofluorocarbons—are powerful climate warmers many times more potent than CO2 over their lifetimes. Because they are short-lived in the atmosphere, actions to reduce these super pollutants can have substantial, near-term climate, agricultural and health benefits and are an essential complement to CO2 reduction strategies. Policy-makers can announce regulatory or voluntary approaches to drastically reduce SLCPs, such as developing methane strategies or adopting rules on use of warming HFCs. Organizations can commit to engage with suppliers to provide training, conduct pollutant inventories, and establish systems for tracking, measuring, and monitoring these types of emissions. Analysis shows that SLCP emissions can be cost-effectively reduced by an estimated 40-50 percent by 2030.

Policymakers, companies and organizations are encouraged to accept the #SLCPChallenge of the U.S. Climate Alliance, which calls for ambitious action on SLCPs. Feel free to elaborate on your work towards reduction, along with your other efforts, in the "Other Commitments" field below.

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Commit to Reducing the Climate Impact of Your Transportation

Organizations making a commitment to reduce the climate impact of transportation should consider practices such as measuring transportation greenhouse gas emissions and setting reduction targets, switching fuels, optimizing the efficiency of shipping operations, and reducing transit- and travel-related greenhouse gas emissions. Businesses can develop a green transportation action plan to map the movement of goods to market and identify opportunities to increase efficiency. Organizations can buy hybrid and electric vehicles within their own fleet, and can reduce the footprint of their workforce through incentivizing public transportation, installing EV charging stations, promoting telework, and locating near transit centers.


Commit to Increase Your Use of Renewable Power

Increasing your percentage of renewable energy sources is a key component of reducing overall GHG emissions. Installing onsite renewable generation, like solar panels, is a good long-term strategy if possible. But renewable energy can also be procured through Renewable Energy Credits (RECs), renewable power purchasing agreements (PPAs), and in some locations from retail electricity providers or local utilities that offers a high percentage of renewable power. Also consider becoming an EPA Green Power Partner.


Commit to Being a Sustainable Outpatient Medical Facility

This free practice management tool is designed by doctors and it really works– we have the experience and the know-how! We provide everything your office needs for a complete environmental sustainability program: office policies, PowerPoints, a step-by-step guide for Green Teams, and even free advice by telephone.


Commit to the Health Care Climate Challenge

The Health Care Climate Challenge mobilizes health care institutions around the globe to protect public health from climate change. The challenge is based on three pillars:

Mitigation – Reduce health care’s own carbon footprint. Resilience – Prepare for the impacts of extreme weather and the shifting burden of disease. Leadership – Educate staff and the public about climate and health and promote policies to protect public health from climate change.

After enrolling, the Health Care Climate Challenge provides participants with easy-to-use resources to help support climate-smart solutions and a login to submit data. For Practice Greenhealth members, data can be automatically uploaded from the Climate page of the Environmental Excellence Awards.

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Areas For Collaboration

We are interested in collaborating on the following:

Efficient Buildings
  • Encouraging more aggressive state energy efficiency policies
  • Supporting building thermal decarbonization and electrification

Electric Vehicles
  • Aggregating demand for electric vehicles with other actors
  • Promoting increased charging infrastructure

Local Collaboration
  • Collaborate on climate and clean energy action, and to advocate for stronger climate policy at the local level

Natural Lands
  • Developing in measurement and monitoring systems to target efforts and track progress
  • Encouraging states to adopt incentive programs for forest management, tree cover expansion, and soil health
  • Promoting science-based targets for GHG emissions and removals in agricultural supply chains

Utility Sector
  • Aggregating demand for renewable energy with other actors

Organization details

Let There Be Light International supports CSOs in sub-Saharan Africa that are implementing solar programming in vulnerable, off-grid communities. Let There Be Light International solar-electrifies prioritized off-grid health centers in Uganda, donates pico solar lights to at-risk households, and raises awareness about energy poverty.
Health Care Organization
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