Dancing Crow Commuity Projects's Climate Action Contribution
About Dancing Crow Commuity Projects's Climate Efforts
Issues that affect our water resources are especially important to us and we feel it's our mission to tell the community. We also collaborate with other groups in our region that are working on similar issues and assist them in telling their stories. Currently we are building a feature-length doc about oil and coal coming through northern Idaho and eastern Washington and the danger (both immediate and future) that it poses.
Climate Action Commitments
Current Climate Actions Dancing Crow Commuity Projects Is Taking:

Commit to Reducing Waste Produced on Tour
There are many simple and easy ways to decrease waste while on tour. This includes: coordinating with venues, concessionaires and catering to reduce waste at the source by using environmentally preferable serve-ware and straws; consulting with catering to to make entire service plastic-free, aiding venues and caterers in reducing non-reusable water bottle consumption; collecting and recycling guitar strings, collecting and properly disposing of used batteries.

Commit to Eliminating Single-Use Plastic Water Bottles
Only about 23% of plastic bottles are recycled within the U.S.1 By providing hydration stations on tour, encouraging fans to bring refillable water containers, where allowed to performances, and ensuring tour buses and catering are stocked with environmentally preferable hydration options, will reduce the use of single-use plastic bottles.

Commit to Reducing Energy and CO2 Emissions From Touring
All tours, big or small, can calculate and offset all emissions generated from a tour and acquire an offset of CO2 emissions. The majority of the CO2 emissions from touring are from fan travel. You can encourage fans to carpool and take mass transit to the shows to reduce this.

Commit to Educating Concert Attendees on the Environmental Impact of Tour
Action cannot be taken without awareness. Develop sustainability messaging for your website, social media content, or engage concert attendees on pledges to reduce CO 2 e missions, eliminate single-use plastic bottles, etc.

Commit to Reducing Food Waste
Every year in the United States, approximately 31% (133 billion pounds) of the overall food supply is wasted, which impacts food security, resource conservation, and contributes to the 18% of total U.S. methane emissions that come from landfills2. Coordinate with caterers and venues to donate excess food to local shelters and food banks, where regulations allow it.
Areas For Collaboration
We are interested in collaborating on the following:
Local Collaboration
- Collaborate on climate and clean energy action, and to advocate for stronger climate policy at the local level
Utility Sector
- Aggregating demand for renewable energy with other actors
- Encouraging more aggressive state renewable energy policies
- Supporting states, cities, and utilities in decarbonizing their energy supply